Comparison of MSPO Standards 2022 vs 2013 by Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council, showing updated principles.

MS 2530 : 2022

Compared to its predecessor, the MS2530:2022 was developed with very different industry baseline knowledge on sustainable oil palm management practices. With the groundwork established from MS2530:2013, the revised Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) standards launched in 2022 with the increased emphasis on sustainable practices, and with the capacity to implement them, which was not previously present.

The MS2530:2022 still consists of the four main parts and is further divided into a total of eight (8) separate parts. This was to cater to the differences in capacity and scale of the implementers of the MSPO.

The new framework for MSPO Standards has only five (5) principles compared to the previous versions of seven (7) principles.

Circular MS2530:2022